Deree’s Athletics Department Goes “Gold”

After a quick workout in the gym and a few games of hoops, the bell sounds which means it’s time for class. Later, intramural soccer kicks off followed by a cool-down swim in the Olympic-sized pool. The recreational program at Deree has gone all out.

“The recreational program we provide is as good as that of any American university or college,” said Arthur Christopher, Athletics Director. Deree has tennis courts, a basketball court, a soccer field and track facilities, a fully equipped gym, and a pool that is closed and heated during the winter season.

“From team sports to intramural activities to overall fitness and physical education classes, we offer a program that covers the whole spectrum of student fitness needs,” said Christopher.

The college’s basketball, soccer, and volleyball teams compete against other local universities like Indianapolis, LeMonde, and T.E.I. Peiraias.

Soccer and basketball player Antonis Panagakos says, “Being on the teams has helped me grow a lot. Now I feel healthier and have made many friends, both here at Deree and at Indianapolis.”

The intramural program has five events each semester: 5×5 basketball, 5×5 soccer, tennis, water polo, and chess.

Mike Delefes is a year-round athlete. “I live right next to Deree and I love playing sports,” he explained. “And those free meals at Friday’s are always appreciated,” the award for the first place team in soccer, a prize the department hopes to extend to the other events.

In the student’s lounge between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m., a mix of dribbling basketballs and clacking ping pong paddles can be heard, as well as students’ grunts and groans.

Many students skip coffee time at Goody’s to make use of the athletic facilities.

“So you get sweaty,” panted Billy Fourniadis after a grueling ping pong duel. “I go and take a shower before class and I feel even more energized, instead of sitting on a couch like a zombie.”

Team tryouts have not ended and they “never really do,” said soccer coach . “We are here to have a good time above all else. If someone knows how to play soccer, or is eager to get better, we more than welcome them to come and play.”

With the new semester, the athletic department will launch a newsletter that will contain results of intramural activities and other team news.

All students are welcome to join in any practice. Soccer practice is 5-7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Volleyball is 3-5 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Basketball is 3-5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

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