Angelina Sapounaki

Unmasking the mystery of Mona Lisa’s smile

Straight black hair, flirtatious gaze, hands crossed in anticipation. Thewoman that is constantly staring at you. Is she the woman every mandreams to have?

Only if that man is into going out with a 500 year-old lady who goes by the name Mona Lisa. Yes, Mona Lisa, the famous Renaissance painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, painted between 1503 and 1505.

But is it her looks or her smile that brought the fame? Whichever it is, one thing is certain: something mysterious is going on with Mona Lisa and her famous smile.

On Mona Lisa’s 500 th birthday, we found out at last what it is. We know why her smile appears and disappears while our eyes concentrate on different parts… Continue reading