Sia Georgandis

Art Exhibition 2005

The Art History Society displayed several selections of student art during the last week of classes. The Art Techniques, Drawing and Painting classes contributed to the collection.

The exhibit was also meant to promote the study of art history. Pamphlets were available to students that informed them of the various art history courses offered by the college and the potential career opportunities associated with the discipline.

Vive Mexicano!

It’s like Mexico in my mouth. The spices from south-of-the-border tingle on my lips. I wash images of sombreros and ponchos down my esophagus with a crisp Corona. I have one thing to say: Me gusta la comida mucho!

Mexican bar and restaurant Amigos Locos has opened in Aghia Paraskevi. It’s everything an American living in Greece didn’t expect it to be: Mexican! Or Mexican-American, more fittingly. Anybody familiar with Mexican cuisine in the United States will definitely appreciate the menu.

There’s a little bit of everything for everyone. It combines the American favorites of TGI Friday’s and Applebee’s, and introduces a Mexican tequila twist to the Greek mélange of multicultural food choices. From onion rings, to loaded potato skins,… Continue reading

World AIDS day

The American College of Greece recognized World AIDS Day on December 1, 2005 by distributing red ribbons and AIDS information pamphlets to students.

The red ribbon is the international symbol of HIV and AIDS awareness. The global campaign to promote AIDS awareness is sponsored by the United Nations’ AIDS agency.

The ribbon is worn to represent support for those living with HIV and for those who have lost friends, family members or loved ones to AIDS.

The annual report of the UNAIDS agency said that this year there will be five million new infections and more than 3.1 million deaths.

“Wearing a red ribbon is the first step in making a commitment to the fight against AIDS,” read the campaign’s mission statement at

Starbucks coffee house opens

Leftheris, the busboy, clears off one of the wooden tables at Goody’s. Among the artistic mélange of empty bowls, cigarette butts and wrappers is a plastic cup adorned with the familiar mermaid emblem.

The Deree campus Starbucks opened on Thursday, Nov. 3, marking another addition to coffee options available to students and staff.

To celebrate the grand opening, Starbucks employees served free coffee from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Starbucks coffee is offered in over 10,000 locations worldwide. There are currently 38 stores in Greece, plus one at the American College.

“As far as we know,” said manager Voula Kyriakopoulou, “we’re the first college in Europe with Starbucks.”

Kyriakopoulou, who relocated from the Starbucks at Ag. Ioannou, said that Deree… Continue reading

Bonus Rocks the College

Lights fade. A yellow box illuminates the center stage. Behind the curtains, someone strikes chords on an acoustic guitar. Then, a drum triplet blasts the curtains open, warping the audience to the 1980s as the instruments pump out the Scorpions’, “Rock you like a hurricane.”

The rock band Bonus performed live on Sept. 23 at the Pierce Theater. The Deree College Ambassadors organized the event.

“We’re going to rock this college,” said Nassos, Bonus’s lead singer and acoustic guitarist, after the opening song. “We’re going to turn this place into a School of Rock.”

Attendance was lower than expected due to poor weather conditions, said college ambassador Aikaterini Papaioannou. The audience, however, applauded the band with shout outs and… Continue reading