A message of hope, solidarity and strength was sent from Pierce students to women battling breast cancer during a specially planned school event held on February 14th.
With the support of Pantene by Procter & Gamble and Greek supermarket chain AB Vassilopoulos, students donated their hair to “Alma Zois“, the Pan-Hellenic Women’s Breast Cancer Association, as part of the “Xarise Dynami” (Give Strength) initiative.
The organization and coordination for Pierce was undertaken by three International Baccalaureate (IB) students, Anais Pitsaki, Alexandra Rizou and Danae Tsiagkana, as part of the IB DP CAS (Creativity – Activity – Service) program which was received enthusiastically by their teachers.
The response from the students and the public alike was impressive: 63 ponytails were collected and 400€ was donated. The hair and the proceeds from the event will be utilized by “Alma Zois” to make wigs.
The students’ initiative epitomizes Pierce’s holistic education philosophy, which aims to shape students into tomorrow’s responsible, mature citizens, and echoes the school’s motto: “Non ministrari sed ministrare” (“Not to be served but to serve”).
Many congratulations to all involved in this great effort!