The ALBA Graduate Business School at the American College of Greece partnered with the US Embassy in Athens and business incubator Metavallon to offer a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the popular Coursera platform, with Greek content, for the first time!
This spring, people from all corners of the world are taking part in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on entrepreneurship entitled “Beyond Silicon Valley: Growing Entrepreneurship in Transitioning Economies.” ALBA has undertaken the task to enhance this course with material from Greece, both for making it relevant to Greek students and to promote the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem globally.
The course, which just launched and still accepts registrations, has been designed by Professor Michael Goldberg of Case Western Reserve University, and offers insight into how entrepreneurial ecosystems develop in economies that go through hardship and crisis.
The course offers practical information on how aspiring entrepreneurs can identify and tap into available resources, as well as get support from intermediary organizations and networks such as incubators and accelerators. Professor Goldberg will be using the example of Cleveland, Ohio and several other transitioning economies around the world, such as Vietnam and Turkey, to highlight the opportunities and hurdles in different entrepreneurial environments.
The Greek team’s goal is to reach local audiences and at the same time discuss entrepreneurship in a hands-on, practical way, offering the American university experience plus face-to-face interaction with business experts from local Greek communities.
ALBA has been working with a professional cinematographer and crew to develop a series of videos featuring Greek entrepreneurs, funding experts, and government officials in a series of 36 interviews. Several of the Greek business leaders and thinkers include Revecca Pitsika, Aristos Doxiadis, Alexander Trimis, Dimitris Stratakis, Artemis Saitakis, and Apostolos Apostolakis. The Greek content will cover universities, support organizations, financing institutions, startup entrepreneurs, family businesses, and government. It is the first time that a MOOC will have such extensive content from Greece.
Registration is open to all and free of charge. You can join this unique learning experience at