DEREE-The American College of Greece warmly welcomed 50 Greek-American students from the 2015 Heritage Greece Program – which ACG proudly hosted June 13 to June 28.
Heritage Greece is a complimentary National Hellenic Society educational and cultural program designed to connect Greek-American students with their Greek heritage and foster a deeper understanding of the role of Hellenism in their lives and the world. Each year, students learn language skills within the context of modern Greece, explore their Greek roots and identity, travel to Greek cities beyond Athens, visit traditional villages and archaeological sites, and are introduced to Greek dancing and cuisine.
The journey starts every June when students are hosted at the ACG Residence Complex, and members of the ACG community take two or more Greek-American students under their wing, introducing them to their family/and or friends and also spend an evening together – this year the Host Family Evening was held on June 25.
The Heritage Greece experience continues beyond Greece as Heritage Greece alumni avail themselves of opportunities to develop professionally as part of the National Hellenic Society network and programs.
To enrich participants’ learning experience during the program, a group of Greek DEREE students facilitated their communication with locals in Athens and elsewhere.
A big Thank You to all ACG faculty, students, and staff members who helped with the program, as well as ACG alumni and the families hosting the students this year.
We hope our 50 guests, all Greek-American college-aged students participating in Heritage Greece, enjoyed their time here!