Dear ACG Alumni,
Since 2008, The American College of Greece has been guided by a Strategic Plan: ACG 150 | Advancing the Legacy. Two of the plan’s key priorities have been academic elevation (e.g. more selective student body; more emphasis on faculty scholarship) and internationalization (e.g. more international and study abroad students; more ACG students studying/working abroad). The following 2017 facts indicate the College’s progress in pursuing these priorities:
- High school grades of middle 50% of new Deree students: 3.2 – 3.8 (4 point scale)
- ACG faculty (Pierce, Deree, Alba) scholarly production: 926
- Deree and Alba international and study abroad students: 1,075
- Deree and Alba students studying/working abroad: 72
Building on this institutional momentum, we have recently announced a new Strategic Plan: ACG 150 | Advancing the Legacy, Growing Greece. Between 2017 and the College’s 150th anniversary in 2025, we will continue to advance ACG by emphasizing academic elevation and internationalization and at the same time will pursue initiatives to materially contribute to the revitalization of the Greek economy.
Needless to say, these are ambitious goals. Achieving them will require the dedication of the entire ACG community, including ACG alumni in Greece and around the world.
For all our alumni, we wish health and happiness in 2018 and hope you will join us in working together to advance ACG and Greece in 2018 and beyond.
David G. Horner, PhD
The American College of Greece