2014 ACG Alumni Achievement Awards 2014,
Friday, September 12th 2014, 20:00
Open Air Theater, at The American College of Greece, Aghia Paraskevi Campus.
For more information and for nominating alumni for their contribution, please visit the event website here.
Reunion of PIERCE Classes 1974, 1984 and 1994
A celebration of your graduation anniversary!
Friday, May 16th 2014, 19:00
PIERCE Theater & Patio
6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi
Aghia Paraskevi Campus
For more info, contact the Office of Development & Alumni Relations at Tel: +302106009800, x.1379, or email [email protected]
Reunion of PIERCE Classes 1944, 1954 and 1964
A celebration of your graduation anniversary!
Thursday, May 29th, 2014, 18:00
PIERCE Theater & Patio
6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi
For more info, contact the Office of Development & Alumni Relations at Tel: +302106009800, x.1379, or email [email protected]
Medical Lecture on “Breast Cancer”,
Wednesday, March 5th, 17.30-20.30
Organised by the Institute of Molecular Medicine & Biomedical Research
Library, Upper Level-JSB
– For more information, click here.
Arts Festival 2014
Naming Ceremony of the Frances Rich School of Fine & Performing Arts
in honor of American sculptor and actress Frances Rich (1910-2007)
March 7th, 2014 at 19:00
The American College of Greece received the largest gift in its 137 year history from the Frances Rich Estate in 2012 to support the ACG fine and performing arts programs. The Frances L. Rich Endowed Fund will support all aspects of the Frances Rich School of Fine and Performing Arts.
For additional information please call +30 210 600 9800 ext. 1456, or email[email protected]
Opening of SelfConscious exhibition, organized by
the Department of Visual Arts and Art History at DEREE
March 7th, 19:00-22.00
A group exhibition of the ACG Art Gallery, curated by DEREE Instructor Dr Sotirios Bahtsetzis
ACG Art Gallery
6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi
Aghia Paraskevi Campus
The Arts Festival by the School of Fine & Performing Arts kicks off with the naming ceremony of the School and the SelfConscious Exhibition on March 7th, and continues throughout March on campus, with cultural and educational events open to the public: exhibitions, concerts, performances, as well as masterclasses and workshops offered by DEREE Faculty members and invited artists and lecturers.
Let’s Play @PIERCE
March 8th -9th
Sports and cultural events for 5th and 6th graders from all over Greece.
Saturday, March 8th –10:00 Time to Play! Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball. A day full of fun and games!
Sunday, March 9th – 11:00 Time to Learn & Create. A day of theatre, music, knowledge games, and much, much more! Sony Hellas, which is supporting the event, is providing tablets and Mp3 players for the winners!
PIERCE, 6 Gravias Street, Aghia Paraskevi, Aghia Paraskevi Campus.
Please confirm your participation by March 3rd
Tel. +30 210 600 9800, ext. 1181, 1161, 1164, www.pierce.gr
DEREE Visits Halkida on Roadshow
March 9th
For more information, click here
Sustainability Week
Monday, March 10th – Wednesday, March 12th
The 3rd Sustainability Week will focus on “Health, Waste and Technology.” It is linked with the Global Brain Awareness Week, which takes place during the same period.
DEREE Main Corridor, DEREE Student Lounge, John S. Bailey Library – Upper Level
This year’s Sustainability Week is co-organized by the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, the Environmental Studies and the Information Technology programs and student societies, the student organization “Together for Sustainability” and the Biology Club.
Media Sponsor: Prasinizo.gr
For details on the program of the week, please follow us on Facebook (ACG – Center of Excellence for Sustainability), or check the ACG website, or contact us at [email protected].
See more here.
Business Week
Monday, March 17th – Thursday, March 20th
At DEREE-The American College of Greece | John S. Bailey Library
Organized by the School of Business
For more information, click here
Religions of the World
Heivenu Shalom Aleichem – May peace come to you
Kick off event of the Arts at DEREE series Religions of the World
Wednesday, March 26th, 19.00
J.S. Bailey Library, Upper Level
DEREE – The American College of Greece 6 Gravias street, Aghia Paraskevi
Arts at DEREE in collaboration with Chabad Greece cordially invites you to an evening of Jewish Music, Culture and Food with
Anima Graeca and Marty Eisenstein
“World of Crafters”
Conference, Saturday, March 29th, 9.00-18.00,
PIERCE Theater,
For more info, contact the Office of College Events,
tel: +30 210 600 9800, ext. 1380
Hip Hop International Dance Competition
Saturday, April 4th, 1600- 2200, DEREE Gym,
For more info, contact the Office of College Events,
tel: +30 210 600 9800, ext. 1380