The Pierce Class of ‘77 Reunion
On Thursday, March 2, almost 100 alumnae from the Class of 1977 were warmly welcomed back on campus after 40 years, for a reunion full of memories!
The theme was the class’ favorite cartoon Astérix and Obélix, and at the start of the event the alumnae created a hand-made decoration for the school, each writing their name on a ribbon on the decoration, among many other activities. The group also worked with tremendous dedication alongside the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, making this reunion a wonderful and successful event!
Following opening remarks, Maria Laina, Executive Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Lyceum Director George Vakerlis, former professor George Orfanoudakis, and Any Tsilikoudi, Pierce alumna ‘77, gathered on stage to sing along to songs that marked the generation of the Class of ‘77. The class also took a tour of the campus guided by Pierce Ambassadors, caught up, talked about their school years, and took a trip down on memory lane by looking at photos from their time at Pierce.
The event came to a close with the cutting of the cake in celebration of the class’ 40th anniversary. Check out all the photos here!