Chrysanthos Panas
Alumnus Profiled: Chrysanthos Panas
Graduated: Deree ’96
Lives in: Athens, Greece
Current Position: Founder, Panas Group Sophisticated Hospitality
“Anything is possible if you really want it.”
Chrysanthos Panas was born and raised in Athens. He graduated from Deree – The American College of Greece in 1996. He is the founder and owner of Panas Group Sophisticated Hospitality (www.panasgroup.gr), which for over 20 years is setting the trend, as well as the style of entertainment and hospitality on the recreational scene.
Q.: What are three enduring lessons you learned during your studies at Deree?
One of the lessons that I have learned during my studies was to collaborate with my classmates and my colleagues at work later. I also learned to set goals and fulfill them and to have the courage to choose exactly what I wanted to pursue.
Q.: Describe Deree in three words.
High Standards, Community, International Mentality.
Q.: One of your favorite Deree memories?
When our team won the first prize at the Marketing Management competition.
Q.: What do you miss most from your days at Deree ?
I miss the joy of being a student at a university.
Q.: What was your favorite spot on campus?
The cafeteria of course!
Q.: Who was your favorite professor and why?
Mr. Paris Tsikalakis because he had the most accurate and effective way of teaching.
Q.: Have you kept in touch with any of your classmates?
Yes definitely, some of them are also my business colleagues.
Q.: How did Deree help prepare you for your professional life?
It laid the foundations for my achievements.
Q.: What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve ever received?
That you don’t just need to have a good product, you have to be able to sell it.
Q.: What (or who) inspires you most?
My family that is made of talented people.
Q.: Your motto in life?
Anything is possible if you really want it.