For some, it was too early in the morning, but they didn’t mind. On the cold morning of October 1st at Zappeion, a team of ACG members got ready to race for a good cause.
Deree and Pierce students, but also staff, decided to meet up at the Race for the Cure, organized by Alma Zois and Susan G. Komen, a race dedicated to raising awareness for breast cancer. It wasn’t the first time the ACG family was present, but this year was different. This year they were running for Emma.
Emma Vernikou, a Pierce 2010 alumna and Deree student, was diagnosed with cancer in May 2011. This didn’t deter her though, as she founded the site Scars and Scarves, to raise awareness about cancer and have a place to relieve her thoughts.
In 2016, along with a group of ACG members, she ran under the group “UNTOUCHABLES”, winning the first prize for Individual Initiative, strengthening her resolve. Unfortunately, as of October 2016, Emma is no longer with us, eventually succumbing to what she fought against.
In 2017, almost a year to the date from Emma’s passing, the ACG Family raced in her honor, using the hashtag #foremma on social media and tried to spread the message which Emma was so passionate about. They turned a gloomy day into something worth remembering thanks to their smiles and positive attitude.
Her passion and what she set in motion will always be remembered, inspiring more and more people to partake every year. According to Anastasia Vernikou, Emma’s sister, Emma said: “life does not end with a cancer diagnosis; instead it becomes worth living.”