Bb Upgrade — Ultra

Bb Upgrade – Ultra

Blackboard has been upgraded to another environment called Ultra-Base Navigation. With the Blackboard upgrade, changes have been made to the external environment and not to the courses. There are new pages such as Activity Stream, Calendar, Messages, and Organizations  (such as clubs). The environment is in the English language (it cannot be changed).
You can access Blackboard’s basic features from anywhere even if you have a course open. This is possible since the menu is left behind all the levels you may have opened.

Activity Stream

The new Activity Stream is the former Updates. It helps keep you up to date with anything new that’s going on in the courses and activities – groups you might be a part of. The flow of new actions from the courses is recorded with a detailed date and time that you can take them. At the same time, you can go to the respective page of the lesson – an activity that has been updated with a single click by clicking on the new information.


From the menu and with the option “Courses” you can see the list of your courses and have access to them. Each course card lists the course ID, course title, and instructor. If your course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors to see them all in one list.
If you don’t see any card then it is in list mode. If you wish to change it, just press above the word “Favorites” the sign with the square and a cross in it.


From here you can access the school’s Clubs and Academies. Also from this area, you have access to the library organization as well as general content organizations such as the ACG Health & Wellness Center.


View events and due dates for all your courses. Find and navigate the full/general calendar. From the full calendar to the list where your name appears, you can see all your upcoming due dates and appointments in all your courses – all in one place.


You can send messages to each other, even to multiple people or to the whole class. Message activity remains within the system without the need to use email addresses.
You can quickly message all students about important deadlines and schedule changes as an instructor. This information also applies to organizations.


In the list where your name appears, you have access to all grading assignments on the Global Grades page. All your grading assignments are organized by subject. By logging into the Grades tab you can observe all the courses you are taking and your grade in it. If you select a course title, you’ll see all the assignments you’ve submitted that you expect to be graded on or have already been graded on.
The courses are displayed together in alphabetical order.


In the list where your name appears, select Tools to access general features outside of the course. Blackboard tools familiar to all courses are available on the Tools page, such as the Content Collection, portfolios, and app authoring, as well as Microsoft OneDrive.

Content Collection

In the Content Gallery, it replaces the Files area of your course. This is the area where all the files you upload for the course are stored. In Content Collection you can store, share, and publish digital content in personal and course folders.


With portfolios, you can build your own resume of your skills and share it with others as proof of your skills and future potential. You can organize a collection of items or even better, you can create more than one portfolio.

Application Authorization

Manage your authorized app integrations with Blackboard. You can revoke access to any app that you don’t want to act on your behalf.

Anthology Course Evaluation

Course feedback to improve teaching and learning

Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive is a personal space in which we can store files, documents, and pictures. You can access them anytime through any device. Through your ACG email account, you can access OneDrive and store documents you may need for your courses. OneDrive is really helpful for us considering the fact that all the documents are uploaded there. So, once you have connected your ACG email account to your Blackboard you are going to be able to upload any document or file needed for your course.

OneDrive helps connect Blackboard to your college education account. You will be able to upload to Blackboard files that you may have stored in OneDrive with ease.
This can be done with the following steps:
1. After saving the documents to OneDrive you will need to connect your account to Blackboard. This is done by clicking on the Tools category on the home page. Then by clicking on Microsoft OneDrive, you will be connected directly to your account.
2. After logging in you will choose to be transferred via the “Courses” page to whichever course you wish to upload the files to.
3. After you choose which course you want and create a new publication for students, you can upload files via the “Browse Cloud Service” option.