In November, the Department of Music at DEREE organized a series of wonderful events for the Music Week. On lucky days, soft notes and melodies echoed through the halls. Below, you can find the program.
Tuesday, November 10
Vocal Improvisation Workshop with instructor Penelope Tzanetaki
Jazz and Popular Ensemble attend an open class session on group music making techniques with instructor Sami Amiris
Friday, November 13
The Music Society’s British Invasion concert & party
Concert and party in the student lounge, followed by a jam session in which the audience joined in.
Friday, November 20
Music Forum
Friday, November 20 & Saturday, November 21
6th International Conference for Educational Didactics 2015, with a focus on Music Education, was held on campus, bringing together education and arts education professionals worldwide to share the latest research and practice. For more information please click here.
Tuesday, November 23
Music Department Concert – an afternoon concert of piano works by Ludwig van Beethoven and Frederic Chopin, performed by Music Performance majors.
Wednesday, November 24
Music Department Concert – An evening concert of classical and popular works, performed by Music Performance majors.