Socrates Now, a play that has been performed over 410 times and in 19 countries, came to the Pierce Theater stage on Wednesday, March 8. A play on life and death; on morality, wisdom, and reason; on philosophy, politics, and what it means to lead a good life, performed by the charismatic Emmy Award winner Yannis Simonides.
After the performance, Yannis Simonides invited the audience to a debate, much like the ones you could stumble into in the agoras of ancient Athens. He said, “Socrates got into trouble for examining people’s beliefs, and asking them to justify their position on what constitutes a good life.” Just like classical Greek philosopher did, the actor opened up a dialogue with the audience – not entirely dropping the warm, eccentric character of Socrates.

The performance was in aid of the NGO Lifeline Hellas, with all proceeds going toward the support of neonatal intensive care units in Greek public hospitals. Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia, patron of Lifeline, had a message for the 500 people in the audience that night, which she sent via our very own alumna, Dr. Alkistis Prinou-Boukouvala, vice president of Lifeline Hellas: “I wish that you are always healthy and well, and that you can always experience the joy of philanthropy.”
After reading Princess Katherine’s message, alumna Alkistis Boukouvala (P ’88) shared with the audience how she felt to be back. “Being back here in this theater is one of the most moving moments of my life… I owe everything to Pierce; from getting into medical school to having my family, my three children who are here with me today.”