A message from Dr. Andreou, VP for Enrollment and Administration
Dear ACG alumni,
I am pleased to share with you the key accomplishments of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations for 2016. It has been a truly fulfilling year for our office, bringing together even more people in support of our educational mission, and offering even more opportunities to our students, thus inspiring more of our constituents to develop long lasting relationships with ACG that will yield mutual benefits for ACG and the broader community. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to our supporters, small as well as large ones, and assure them that ACG will make the best possible use of their remarkable gifts.
A big “Thank you!” to all of our supporters
To the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, for its continuous support of the Deree Parallel Studies program that offers Greek public university students the opportunity to enroll for a minor at Deree. The foundation awarded a significant grant in support of the continuation and enhancement of the SNF Scholarship Program and ACG’s premier study abroad opportunities. So far, over 140 students have benefited from their participation in this program that also creates a much-needed bridge of collaboration between public and private educational institutions in Greece. The SNF Scholarship Program gives us the tools to fight the Greek brain drain and provide deserving students with the skills and opportunities they need to lead meaningful careers and become agents of positive change for Greece, a core mission of the SNF’s “Recharging the Youth” initiative.
To the Behrakis Foundation for providing the funds to operate the Institute of Public Health at ACG’s Plaka building and for offering funds for our scholarships. The purpose of the Institute of Public Health established at The American College of Greece as of January 2016, is the development of scientific research and educational activities in the field of Public Health, as well as the support of the anti-smoking campaign in Greece, “Smoke Free Greece” and the function of “George D. Behrakis Research Lab” of the Hellenic Cancer Society.
To USAID/ASHA, for funding the creation of a Simulated Trading Room on campus, to be completed by 2018. Modeled after similar trading rooms in top US universities, this facility will be the first of its kind in continental Europe and will provide innovative, high tech educational, research, and training opportunities otherwise unavailable in Greece or the region.
To the US Embassy, for its commitment to provide educational opportunities amidst one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has faced. According to its own announcement,
“The State Department will provide $725,000 for scholarships for up to 200 migrant and refugee students in Thessaloniki and Athens to attend classes at US-affiliated universities in Greece including Deree – The American College of Greece; thus, ensuring that migrants and refugees have access to education through a long-term sustainable program.”
To the Gerondelis Foundation, for supporting study abroad scholarships at ACG for low-income students from Essex County, Massachusetts, who will have the opportunity to enjoy a unique academic experience in the land where learning began!
To the European Commission for the approval of a grant in support of the EU Islamophobia Project, a two-year research project on country-specific narratives and counter-narratives on Islamophobia.
To Aegean Airlines, for giving wings to ACG students; through its support, 85 students have travelled so far to participate in Academic Enrichment Programs in Greece and abroad and more have been approved for 2017.
To Procter & Gamble, for supporting two students from beyond the Attica region and giving them the opportunity to study at Deree by covering in full their annual residential fees in the modern and safe environment of the Deree student residences in Aghia Paraskevi.
To the more than 200 companies in Greece and abroad that have offered a significant number of local and international internships to our students.
To constituents who have raised funds through a series of fundraising activities, events, and individual donations, allowing The American College of Greece to address one of its most pressing needs and priorities: ACG scholarships and grants! Thanks to the generous donations of students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, corporations, foundations, and friends from all around the world, as well as ACG’s own reserve, we were able to award more than 2,400 scholarships and grants across the institution.
To the 13 alumni members of our newly formed Global Alumni Advisory Board who will provide valuable support in ACG’s global awareness, focus mentorships and overall support to ACG’s initiatives around the globe.
We are well into 2017 and we are encouraged by the wealth of opportunities and the multitude of supporters who make it possible for us to advance our mission in support of President David G. Horner’s inspiring ACG 2025 fundraising goal: to raise $75 million in order to maximize the social impact of one of Greece’s most promising institutional agents of economic, employment, and educational change.