ACG’s ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece has recently conducted fascinating research which could provide some light in the tunnel Greece is currently trying to burrow its way out of.
The Challenge
Estimates indicate that by 2020 Europe will have more than 800,000 vacancies in the fields of IT and new technologies. The authors Mylonopoulos, Pramatari, and Lambovas ask, “Can Greece build on its two key competitive advantages, human resources and privileged position, to attract investment in technological development at an international level?”
The Opportunity
By examining employability and digital skills (e-skills) Mylonopoulos et al, argue that Greece has the unique opportunity to create 500,000 new jobs over the next 10 years.
According to the study, a portion of these vacancies already exist in Europe, and the total number will increase significantly in the coming years, and could be filled by people living Greece.
The Strategy
The authors say that this could happen in a number of ways; firstly, by European enterprises establishing branches in Greece; secondly, by Greek companies outsourcing for international businesses; and thirdly, with distance-work, particularly in the area of application development.
This is the conclusion of research initiated by the President of the Council of European Professional Informatics Associations (CEPIS) Mr. Byron Nicolaides, and conducted with the support of the Athens University of Economics & Business, the ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece and the Hellenic Professional Informatics Society (HePIS)
The Authors
Dr. Mylonopoulos Nikos
Associate Professor – ALBA Graduate Business School at The American College of Greece
Dr. Pramatari Katerina
Associate Professor – Department of Management Science & Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business
Lambovas Manolis
Marketing Director – Hellenic Professional Informatics Society
For more information, see the research report (GR) and presentation (GR).