Content Editor – Ultra


In Blackboard Learn – Ultra you can upload files, and add text, images, and web links in communication tools such as documents, assignments, and discussion by using the content editor (VTBE). The VTBE – Virtual Text Box Editor contains various tools for text formatting, adding hyperlinks, and tables, and attaching various types of files such as images.

By clicking the plus + button you can uncover additional elements. Those are:

  1. Math Formulas
  2. Images from URL
  3. Media
  4. YouTube Video
  5. Cloud Storage
  6. Content Collection
  7. Content Market

The addition of the math formulas gives you the advantage of writing the correct formulas on your documents. For attaching new files or documents there are three ways:

  1. Drag and Drop
  2. Browse my computer
  3. Cloud Storage

For the third option, you must have your account – email- connected with Blackboard. For more assistance please click here.