Course – Ultra

Course – Ultra

From the menu and with the option “Courses” you can see the list of your courses and have access to them. Each course card lists the course ID, course title, and instructor. If your course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors to see them all in one list.

You may have a mix of courses in the Ultra Course View and the Original Course View. Choose the course view that works best for each of your courses. Both course views appear seamlessly in your course list.

In case there is a need to work ahead, you can use the Working Template container that exists in all faculty BB Learn user accounts OR request a preparatory (Prep) container for a specific course. In this case, you are able to use the Course Copy tool to copy the content to your running course. Keep in mind that the Prep course will NOT have student enrollments.

To request the creation or removal of a Prep course container:


Blackboard Environment

The environment in Blackboard Ultra is completely different from the Original One. The menu is on the left side and each component is categorized into different tabs. You can access your course through the course tab on the left side of the screen.

Via the Courses Module

By clicking the module Courses you will be directed to all the courses you are an Instructor. Click on the module of the course you want to edit or post content and you will be directed to it. The Course List is on the Course module page.

Course Environment

You have the choice to keep the original environment or change to the Ultra one. There are some slight changes to the sections ” Build Content”, “Assessments”, and “Tools”. There is not a “switch” for on and off Edit mode. There only is the student preview.




View your course as a student with the Student Preview Mode

You can also view the page as a student by clicking the button. After a few seconds, the page will enter into Student Preview. Using this feature you can view, participate, and browse the entire course container exactly as a student would.

Keep in mind that a preview user is created every time you use this feature.

Exit the Student Preview Mode

At the top of the page, you will see a dark blue ribbon that clarifies that you are in Student Mode. At the top-right, it has the exit button.

When you try to exit Student Preview a pop-up window will open, asking whether you want to delete the user and its data or not. It is recommended to select the Discard option unless you temporarily leave the student preview to complete a task in your instructor user account.